thieves like us

I went to see an interesting piece of theatre last night, a new Australian work by Marcel Dorney. Thieves Like Us was originally commissioned by La Boite Theatre in Brisbane, which is where the playwright’s friendship with director Jamie Dawson grew. Brisbane is also the setting for the play, which naturally affords some comic moments. […]

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international PEN poem relay

Anne Summers has drawn my attention to: “a peaceful, and poetic, alternative to the protests that have accompanied the Olympic torch relay, which is today in Canberra. If you go to the website you will see the PEN poem relay, a web-based campaign calling for Free Expression in China. A short poem, “June” by

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hazel flynn

Hazel Flynn is my wife, and a wordsmith of the highest calibre. Having started out as a radio producer, Hazel has since written for just about every major newspaper and magazine in the country – either direct or through a content provider like HWW – including being on the team that started Who Weekly magazine,

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Rosalind Bradley is an Australian who has worked in PR and marketing for organisations including the Fred Hollows Foundation. Ros was in London at the time of the 2005 bombings, and what she saw inspired her to approach prominent Australians to share their selections of favourite prayers and reflections. The book Mosaic is the result.

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international year of languages

Another ACSSO project has seen the light of day, this one focused on Australian information, resources and activities associated with the United Nations having declared 2008 the International Year of Languages. While there is, of course, an international site for the International Year, and the Australian Council of State School Organisations and its private school

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values in education

If there’s anything better than having a long-term, informed and committed client who requires you to design, manage and improve a website, it’s having one who has a whole set of diverse, meaningful and purposeful websites. The Values in Education website is one face that the Australian Council of State School Organisations projects, originally focused

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web directions north 2008

Web Directions 2015

Well. If I thought flying across the country for a two hour meeting was fun, how would flying across the Pacific for a two day conference compare? It was a hoot! Having hardly watched a movie in the past year or so, I took the opportunity on the flight over to catch up with some

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web directions north 2008

See the button for Web Directions North? Under the search box on the right? The conference in Vancouver? Canada? I’m going to that. No, I didn’t get a ticket via their Affiliates program or anything, and yes, it’s a heckuva spend what with air fares and accommodation and all, but these particular conferences give great

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Hazel has finally made the big step away from her successful career as a book publisher and editor to take on the position of Editor-in-Chief at online startup NeoNeighbourhood. This in itself is an exciting development, not least because the kids and I will get to see much more of her. No more leaving the

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