no new iron cove bridge

I was dead impressed by fullcodepress.Back in August, fullcodepress involved a team of Australians and a team of New Zealanders competing to each build a full website in 24 hours under controlled conditions. A panel of judges assessed which one best met the contest criteria, and a couple of not-for-profit good causes had terrific websites […]

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Today was the soft launch date for This is a project I’ve been working on for a few months now. In October 2006, I wrote about a book called Neo Power, an examination of consumer spending patterns that identified a different way of identifying and marketing to people with a high level of discretionary

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web directions north 2008

I’m a big fan of Web Directions, the conference series that was born out of two Web Essentials conferences in ‘04 and ‘05 and grew up into a South version (in Sydney) and a North version (in Vancouver) that between them lay claim to be the most important gabfests to focus on standards-based web design.

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in rainbows

Things I like about Radiohead’s In Rainbows: That it can be downloaded. I’m really not fussed that the file quality means I’m not getting the best possible sound. Between the quality of my ears and my equipment, I can’t tell the difference anyway. That it is jaw-droppingly good. The music envelopes and invades me. I

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web directions south 2007

Another superb two day conference laid on by John and Maxine (representative of the many involved, of course) finished yesterday. The new venue at Darling Harbour was great and the program was, as always, remarkable. My highlights included: Andy Clarke – Think Like a Mountain: I grew up with pocket sized B&W WWII comics, The

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all in a day’s work

Yesterday was unusual.I was picked up by taxi from my Corrimal home at 6.30am for an hour-and-fifteen drive to Sydney Airport, where I boarded a four hour flight to Perth. I was picked up at Perth Airport and driven to a two hour meeting with Bam Creative about working together on a new web project.

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ensemble: music education in australia

My stable of sites for the Australian Council of State School Organisations continues to grow. To complement the existing main ACSSO site, the Families Matter site, the Values in Education site and the Languages Education site, I’ve just completed Ensemble, focusing on Music Education in Australia. These sites come out of ACSSO’s approach to identifying

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Pens down! For the past 24 hours, I’ve been following the progress of FullCodePress, the local section of an international competition to build a website in a day under controlled conditions. Australian and New Zealand teams of designers, coders, programmers, content managers and usability professionals have been locked up since 9.30am yesterday until just a

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people for a nuclear-free australia

People For a Nuclear-Free Australia is a pretty self-explanatory title. The site aims to pull together ground level support for thwarting Prime Minister John Howard’s plans for developing a nuclear power industry in Australia. If anyone needed further reason to vote the Howard Government out come election time later this year, his plans to mine

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ying tong

I went to a performance of Ying Tong – A Walk with the Goons in Wollongong last night. It’s a terrific piece with a great cast, led by Geoff Kelso (an actor who has long specialised in playing “exceedingly silly”) as the late, lamented Spike Milligan, a true master of comedy. Spike is in an

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