bethany college hurstville

Gosh, it never rains but it pours. My fourth new site in a week (!) went live today. Honestly, folks, it’s not normally like this. It’s a redesign of an existing site for Bethany College Hurstville, a Catholic secondary girls school in Sydney’s southern suburbs. I like this kind of brief because it involves working […]

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edge of the web

There’s another top notch web conference coming up in these parts. Edge of the Web will be held in Perth from 6-7 November, hosted by the relatively recently formed industry body the Australian Web Industry Association. Like Web Directions, Edge of the Web has a terrific speaker lineup with international guests Chris Messina (with whom

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web directions

Not long now until it’s time for Web Directions South again. It’ll be great to catch up again with old friends and make some new ones, but it’s the content of the WD sessions that makes this event indispensable for me and, as usual, this year’s line-up looks great. As a solo freelancer working from

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marilyn meier-kapavale

All my life, I’ve been into quizzes and puzzles of all sorts. I don’t know exactly where it came from, but I remember tackling crosswords from a very early age, and my favourite reading in my pre-teens was the dictionary. One of my favourite quotes ever is from Alex Trebek, the long time host of

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My stint developing the web presence of Advanced Manufacturing Australia (then called Tooling Australia) exposed me to a range of new potential clients. That has led to a few new commissions, including one that goes live today for Teco Pty Ltd. Teco is a Victorian company that imports top end precision cutting tools and related

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murdoch books

Since I’ve struck out on my own as a freelancer, I’ve found that one of my basic assumptions has been revealed as false. I’d always thought that I’d be taking on a job, completing it and never seeing the client again. But I find that most of my clients prefer to build a long term

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amy mowbray

One of the nice things about moving to a new area is building up a local clientele. I get quite a lot of anecdotal interest when the topic of what I do for a living comes up, and I’m frequently asked for my business card. Never think that a web designer doesn’t need a business

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wipa usability and eyetracking seminar

Last year, I was elected to the Committee of Web Industry Professionals Association. WIPA is an organisation that brings Australian web professionals together to exchange ideas, participate in debate, advance education and promote ethical practice. One of WIPA’s activities is holding or assisting events like this one that will help achieve positive outcomes for the

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facebook up to your responsibilities

There is definitely good reason to be careful when using Facebook – and it’s not limited to that social networking application by any means. Sharing information like your mother’s maiden name (commonly used by banks etc as extra security questions) with even your close friends online is asking for trouble. And Facebook does make it

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