family-school & community partnerships bureau

Family-School & Community Partnerships BureauTime to launch a new site! This one is the newest addition to the ACSSO stable, this is a co-production with the Australian Parents Council.

Between them representing the interests of the families of children in both public and private schools in Australia, these two organisations have been funded by the Australian Government to establish the Family-School & Community Partnerships Bureau.

The idea of the Bureau is to undertake research, aggregate information, promote the benefits and facilitate action that strengthens the way schools, parents and local communities interact in the best interests of your people.

The website is meant to play a fairly significant role in attracting, informing, empowering, perhaps even inspiring people to understand the issues and get involved.

This is the first site I’ve designed – apart from my own – where I’ve used freely available CMS software to give my client the ability to control the content.

In this case, I’ve used WordPress instead of building a back end from scratch. Part of the reason for this was the limited development time available: about six weeks from go to whoa. As I had seven other projects on the go at the same time, it was just not possible to build a back end.

In the end, I’m pretty happy with how I’ve used the pages-and-posts set-up to give the client what they want. Inserting my own design principles and applying them to the WordPress ‘theme’ (template) approach worked very well, I think.

I used a theme called Talia – and have retained the credit for it – although I was tempted to confess that it didn’t bear much resemblane to the original theme created by Steve Arun.

Well, maybe he and his company will get some deserved exposure for it.

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