
articles that sum me up, probably my best writing

My Life in Football – Life Member

Life membership badge

Recently, I came across a video on YouTube I’d forgotten about. It’s an entry in the 2008 Tropfest short film competition called Enzo. It was directed by Sam Worthington (yes, star of Avatar, etc) and it featured Dorian Nkono as the title character, a football obsessive who has dreams of a pro and international representative […]

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Full Stack Web Professional

Ricky Onsman

Back in February 2011, I wrote a blog post called Freelancing and Loyalty, which tried to explain why I thought there was still room for jack-of-all-trades web freelancers. I’ve used that term consistently since. I’m still a freelancer, and I’m still a jack-of-all-trades. Now, however, Chris Messina has provided me with a much better phrase

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what’s wrong with my designs?

I occasionally get emails from people wanting advice on how to be successful in the web industry. I’m no expert, mind you, but I’ve been through a fair bit myself and I’ve seen other people go through a lot more, good and bad. I’m happy to pass on what I’ve learned. Mostly, I reply personally

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what makes an article great?

You may be aware I work for SitePoint, arguably the leading publisher of resources for web designers and developers in the world. Until recently I was the day to day Managing Editor of, the flagship of a growing network of websites devoted to helping professionals and dedicated amateurs keep up with developments in web technology.

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vince jones

It must feel pretty good to stand on a stage under a spotlight in front of an audience and open a show by saying, “I’m a jazz singer”. Vince Jones says it as a simple statement of fact, and goes on to explain just what that means. “A soul singer uses a diatonic scale and

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the satyr

I had a lovely trip to Sydney with my family this past weekend. The main reason for the trip was to allow Hazel and I to go and see The Giacomo Variations, thanks to Christmas present tickets from Hazel’s sister Aileen, an experience I wrote about here. I also had the opportunity to catch up

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the giacomo variations

I went to see the Sydney Festival production of The Giacomo Variations at the Sydney Opera House on Saturday night. It was as challenging, engaging and inspired a piece of theatre as I have seen in many a day. To my mind, it is ideal festival fare, stretching the boundaries of how theatre and music

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ruth park

It’s probably no real surprise that it takes something non-webby to get me back to the blog. In this case, yesterday’s death of writer Ruth Park has prompted me to write. Park’s story is one of lyrical romance and harsh reality, both in her books and her life. She famously won a 1946 newspaper prize

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surprise and anticipation

Earlier this month, I turned 50. Thank you very much. As my brother said “You know the drill, a straight bat, eye on the ball and start again to turn it into a ton”. I had expressly and adamantly refused to have a big deal birthday dinner and most especially, definitely NOT a surprise. I

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