
balmain rovers

Had a message today from my old mate Sergio, the last of the original Balmain Rovers with whom I formed the team in 1998, to say he has finally retired from All Age football and will be playing Over 35s for West Ryde next season. For those who like to know these things, Fiorenza S. […]

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web directions south

Further to my previous post, the Web Directions people advise: We’ve now got pretty much all the conference sessions up at the resources section of our site, complete with their podcasts and slides. So, if you’re looking to catch up on a session you missed out on, take a look below. Further, do feel free

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surprise and anticipation

Earlier this month, I turned 50. Thank you very much. As my brother said “You know the drill, a straight bat, eye on the ball and start again to turn it into a ton”. I had expressly and adamantly refused to have a big deal birthday dinner and most especially, definitely NOT a surprise. I

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web directions south

Web Directions is one of the major stops on the global circuit of web design and development conferences, particularly for those who understand that web standards matter. It attracts overseas and Australian speakers who actually have something to say: an insight, a perspective, an opinion or a technique they want to share. With four tracks

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ochre energy

Being a gun-for-hire is quite liberating in some ways, but I think I would tire of it quickly if I had to do it on anything other than an occasional basis. I’ve just finished putting together an HTML implementation of graphic designer’s website comp for a company called Ochre Energy. Ben Phillips of mello came

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queens pinch

This site is technically not quite complete yet, but it has been live for a while now so it’s worth adding to the portfolio. Queens Pinch is the Andrew Buchanan family vineyard located in the renowned Mudgee wine district of New South Wales, Australia. Andrew is both an old friend and a long time client

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anne summers

Anne Summers has been a client of ours for nearly six years. As befits someone who keeps her finger on the societal pulse, Anne has crafted and continues to hone a very particular presence on the web, one that reflects the different way people seek to engage with her. Discussion, interaction, input, sharing: what may

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the wolf

We’ve completed another interesting book web project. This site is to promote a new book by Richard Guilliatt and Peter Hohnen called The Wolf. It’s an astonishing story, deserving of a wide audience. The gist is that during World War I, Germany commissioned a freighter tricked up with some heavy duty firepower to undertake what

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advanced exhaust solutions

Another reason why it can be good to stay with clients over time is being given the opportunity to develop new websites as the company grows and expands its business. ACSSO is a prime example of this, having grown from a single website to a stable of ten with more on the way, but our

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juniper films

JOne of the truly great aspects of working with clients over a number of years is being given the opportunity to redesign a site. That could be just applying a new skin, or completely restructuring a site from the ground up. In the case of Juniper Films, it was brought on by a desire to

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