
juergen schmeja

Another site has emerged from its Flyman Partners cocoon. This one is for a photographer, Juergen Schmeja, who specialises in panoramic shots of the Australian landscape. Any web designer who has tackled a project like this will probably be grimacing in sympathy or possibly smirking in relief it’s not them. It is seriously hard to […]

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denise giardina

Our first project as Flyman Partners has been to create a new website for Denise Giardina, an American writer promoting her new book Emily’s Ghost. Denise has made a career out of writing politically informed, socially conscious and theologically probing historical fiction, taking events and people from real life and constructing novels around them, from

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flyman partners

Here and now begins a new era, that of Flyman Partners. Flyman Partners is a web consultancy that draws together my skills and experience as a web designer and developer and those of my partner: writer, editor and content manager Hazel Flynn. Between us we have a formidable track record in creating, managing and distributing

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flyman partners

Here and now begins a new era, that of Flyman Partners. Flyman Partners is a web consultancy that draws together my skills and experience as a web designer and developer and those of my partner in life, love, parenting and now business: writer, editor and content manager extraordinaire Hazel Flynn. Between us we have a

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filt clothing

This was fun. FILT Clothing is co-owned by one of the people who run my favourite coffee shop, Cafe Angeli. They’re next door to each other and when the opportunity came up to design “just a basic website” for FILT, I naturally suggested an arrangement that would limit the financial impact on both the clothing

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russell vale soccer club

I’ve pulled on the boots again. Oh, I’m not stupid. I’m not playing All Age. I’ve moved on to the Over 35s, or as they call it here: “Masters”. Much more palatable, playing Masters than Over 35s. Especially when you’re nudging 50. Sadly, Corrimal apparently doesn’t have enough men who choose to display their mid-life

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corrimal rangers

Just because I’m not coaching any teams at Corrimal Rangers Junior Soccer Club this year doesn’t mean I’ve completely abandoned them. The obvious way to continue to support the club was to build them a website. So I did, once again modifying an available WordPress theme.

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reading list

Stella Miles Franklin Jill Roe, Fourth Estate, 2008 I have an abiding interest in Australian literature. This Christmas present from Hazel is 570 pages of bliss. Kylie Tennant: A Life Jane Grant, NLA, 2006 Which reminds I’ve yet to read Hazel’s last birthday present, on another of my favourite writers. Bulletproof Web Design Dan Cederholm,

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Hazel and I went to Sydney to see Lipsynch, the latest theatrical work by Robert Lepage‘s company Ex Machina to come to Australia. Canadian Lepage has acquired a reputation as a global theatre practitioner, one who succeeds in creating theatre that is meaningful, modern and international. His projects bring together actors, writers, designers and technicians

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the combination

We’ve met some great people since moving to the Illawarra. Among the new friends we’ve made who live locally are Anousha Zarkesh and David Field. Anousha is a casting director while David is an actor I’ve admired for a long time – since I saw him working with Don Mamouney at Sidetrack Theatre in the

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